A Catholic website for the modern reader

What is Faith Discussion?
Faith is a wonderful gift from God. It cannot be achieved merely through the use of reason. But without reason and reflection, faith--what one might call “blind faith”--is both unbecoming a human person and insulting to the God who gave us faith and reason.
St. Anselm is credited with coining the phrase: Theology is faith seeking understanding. Hopefully, the articles and reflections that follow will enable the reader to better reflect on the Catholic Christian Faith. They are intended to inform, to challenge, and to generate discussion and dialogue. These articles are not the last word on any topic.
As intelligent people of faith, we should be able to share our experiences and understanding of God with one another as we journey together toward the fullness of God’s kingdom. We may at times disagree, but that is what dialogue is all about. Through faith, reflection and dialogue we reach common understanding and build the kingdom. Let’s get busy.
St. Anselm is credited with coining the phrase: Theology is faith seeking understanding. Hopefully, the articles and reflections that follow will enable the reader to better reflect on the Catholic Christian Faith. They are intended to inform, to challenge, and to generate discussion and dialogue. These articles are not the last word on any topic.
As intelligent people of faith, we should be able to share our experiences and understanding of God with one another as we journey together toward the fullness of God’s kingdom. We may at times disagree, but that is what dialogue is all about. Through faith, reflection and dialogue we reach common understanding and build the kingdom. Let’s get busy.
Who Framed Mary Magdalene? by Heidi Schlumpf with art commentary by Diane Apostolos-Cappadon
Theological Challenges
Is Hell for Real? by Rev. Robert Short
Hell: Still a Burning Question by James Brieg
When Wrong Turns Out To Be Right by Robert McClory
Infallibility Complex by Ann Graff and Fr. David Knight
The Holy Spirit and the Ordination of Women by Rev. William Messenger
How Bishops Teach—Differently by Richard P. McBrien
Celibacy—A Diocesan View by Rev. William Messenger
A Disembodied "Theology of the Body''—by Dr. Luke Timothy Johnson
A Cautionary Tale: Academic Freedom, 'Ex Code' & the Curran Case by Paul Sanders
On the Church: A Friendly Reply to Cardinal Ratzinger by Cardinal Walter Kasper
Statement on the Declaration "Dominus Iesus…" by Cardinal Roger Mahony
Interpreting Vatican II by Richard P. McBrien
Hell: Still a Burning Question by James Brieg
When Wrong Turns Out To Be Right by Robert McClory
Infallibility Complex by Ann Graff and Fr. David Knight
The Holy Spirit and the Ordination of Women by Rev. William Messenger
How Bishops Teach—Differently by Richard P. McBrien
Celibacy—A Diocesan View by Rev. William Messenger
A Disembodied "Theology of the Body''—by Dr. Luke Timothy Johnson
A Cautionary Tale: Academic Freedom, 'Ex Code' & the Curran Case by Paul Sanders
On the Church: A Friendly Reply to Cardinal Ratzinger by Cardinal Walter Kasper
Statement on the Declaration "Dominus Iesus…" by Cardinal Roger Mahony
Interpreting Vatican II by Richard P. McBrien
Abortion, Catholics and Elections by Rev. William Messenger
Religion and Politics: The Bishops, Catholics and Abortion by Rev. William Messenger
Making it Personal: Draft Registration by Rev. William Messenger
Election Prejudice by Rev. William Messenger
Undocumented Aliens—Medical Care and the Law by Dr. Brian Henderson and Rev. William Messenger
Election '88 by Rev. William Messenger
When Bishops are Wrong—California Proposition 22 by Rev. William Messenger
Religion and Politics: The Bishops, Catholics and Abortion by Rev. William Messenger
Making it Personal: Draft Registration by Rev. William Messenger
Election Prejudice by Rev. William Messenger
Undocumented Aliens—Medical Care and the Law by Dr. Brian Henderson and Rev. William Messenger
Election '88 by Rev. William Messenger
When Bishops are Wrong—California Proposition 22 by Rev. William Messenger
Moral Issues
No Defense: A Catholic Lawyer Argues Against the Death Penalty by Kevin Doyle
Artificial Contraception by Rev. William Messenger
Same Sex Marriage: A Theological Exploration by Rev. William Messenger (rev. 5/20/08)
Stem Cell Research and Abortion by Rev. William Messenger
Artificial Contraception by Rev. William Messenger
Same Sex Marriage: A Theological Exploration by Rev. William Messenger (rev. 5/20/08)
Stem Cell Research and Abortion by Rev. William Messenger
Cultural - Religious Issues
Christianity, Patriotism and Nationalism by Rev. William Messenger
In the Beginning There were Black Catholics: An Interview with Fr. Cyprian Davis, O.S.B.
We Have No Heroes by Rev. William Messenger
In the Beginning There were Black Catholics: An Interview with Fr. Cyprian Davis, O.S.B.
We Have No Heroes by Rev. William Messenger